Friday 18 March 2016

What I will need

What I will need to make the poster, I will need a software called Photoshop and I will also need to access the internet  to get some images to make it. Using the software I will put the poster together, adding pictures and effects to it look unique.

The layout of my poster, I will have the photo or symbol that resembles the film, in the center of the poster. I will put the title at the top or the bottom of the page, I might put a quote on the side of the poster that is out of the film, so its more recognizable of what film it is.
The theme of my poster is going to be based on a movie that is coming out soon, Captain America Civil War. The poster will look a bit dark, the text will be bold white font so its easy and clear to read, the font will match the same font in the movie. The pictures will most likely be of Captain America and Iron Man because the film is based on them.

For the title Captain America Civil War, I'm going to have it at the top of the poster and have it in Rockwell condensed font. These are the image I'm going to us in the poster, the background is going to be a ashy gray, I will have the Iron Man mask in the star of the Captain America shield, people will know its based on the new movie coming out soon.  

Monday 7 March 2016

Techniques used in written pitch

The communication I used in my pitch:


I paid attention to my grammar and spelling, to make sure it was right and put time and effort in my work. I also checked my punctuation because I wanted it to be presentable. My pitch was set formal style to speak clear. The structure in my work is set so people understand it and read it easy, and makes clear sentence structure.

The target audience for my product is between 15-19, but when I done the verbal pitch, I had to slim it down and put bullet points of what I was going to say and pictures so it helps to have a brief read, to know what I'm talking about. Doing the pitch in front of the tutor was different because of age difference and I was not that nerves, but it would be different if I had of pitched it to the class because there would be more people and they are around the same age as me.