Monday 28 September 2015

My idea

I am going to design a poster, I will use Photoshop to create it. I will look at some online to get some ideas on how I want to design my poster  or what to be on. I'm doing a movie poster but I donty know what movie I'm going to based it on yet but I'll know soon.
I will also do it as a digital publishing.

Monday 21 September 2015

Planning+Pitching is important

Planning a product in media is important because you will need to know what you are doing before you do it, if you don't plan it you will end up making mistakes. If your making a movie you will have to plan so you can get people doing tasks for the movie. Like people doing the script, finding actors and telling the actors how they want the movie.
The directors need to plan so they know what the project would look like when finished, if they don't plan it would be a failure. They would also have to plan how much money is needed to make the film, if they don't work out how much they need and run out of money the movie will be stopped.

Pitching is getting everyone's ideas  so everyone can agree which ideas they like best, like for doing a certain part in a movie people have to agree on the camera angles, what type of lighting, the background, location, what microphone for audio quality and how you edit the video. You also have to agree on that audience its for and how much for people to buy it.