Monday 14 December 2015

Legal and Ethical Reasons

Researchers obtaining data from people are expected to maintain high ethical standards and comply with relevant legislation. Ethical guidance is provided by professional bodies, host institutions  and funding organisations.

Ethical guidelines for research are issued by professional bodies, host institutions and funding organisations. We have collated a number of useful resources on research ethics, consent and anonymisation.

Collecting, using and sharing data in research with people requires that ethical and legal obligations are respected. Law such as the Data Protection Act, Freedom of Information Act and statistics and Registration Services Act can govern the use and sharing of data.

This is an example of than race discrimination image because its a picture of the UK flag and the persons face is black and its trying to take over the flag. The poster has been banned because its showing racism and is illegal to put up as adverts, this has raised a legal and ethical.

The legal and ethical consideration are that my poster will not offend anyone in anyway because it dose not include racist, sexism or copyright content. My poster will not include these in anyway it is safe and suitable for any age.

Friday 11 December 2015

Digital publishing

List of digital publishing media 
-Mobile apps
-Online newspapers
-Web based magazines

Digital publishing is more know for e-publishing, is a type of publishing that involves entertainment or disseminating information by digital means.


Thursday 10 December 2015

three methods of generating ideas

One way is verbal generation, example of this is meetings which is people that know each other and get together to have a discussion. Meetings are where great ideas can come from.

Image result for meetings

Second one is written generation, example of this is written summaries. Written summaries are really good because you can always go back to your ideas, to add more or change them. Its also really good because you can show people your ideas and they can give you feedback on them.

The last one is visual generation, an example of this is storyboards. Storyboards are a graphic organiser which is a frame by frame of pictures with little descriptions saying what the drawing is about.

Image result for storyboard

Monday 16 November 2015

logistics and resources

Logistics means the flow from start to finish, the activity of organising the movement of all stages of the project for what you get as an end result. Im going to do a step by step post of how I have done my poster on my blog explaining how Ive done it. For the first step Im going to open photoshop and find a background for the poster.

Resources all the equipment, materials, people and knowledge need to make the project. For my poster the resources I need is software like photoshop, the internet to get ideas.

Monday 9 November 2015

what, how and why

What- I'm going to create a poster in Photoshop about a movie that is coming out soon.

How- I'm going to do a step by step of how to create a poster in photoshop, I will use screenshots of how I did the poster. 

Why- I'm creating a poster in photoshop because I am familiar with the software,also I have a good set of skills in photoshop.

This project  does not cost anything because I'm making a poster on photoshop, so there is on props or equipment needed, all I need is a computer, but if I wanted to print something out I may have to pay.

Monday 5 October 2015

audience and purpose

The target audience for my project is 16 - 21,it will be suitable for either gender because it will be suitable for the audience and I'm doing a movie/music poster in photoshop showing how you can produce it. I will show how to make a simple poster and how to add text and pictures. This will be used for education people so they can understand how to make a poster on photoshop.

Monday 28 September 2015

My idea

I am going to design a poster, I will use Photoshop to create it. I will look at some online to get some ideas on how I want to design my poster  or what to be on. I'm doing a movie poster but I donty know what movie I'm going to based it on yet but I'll know soon.
I will also do it as a digital publishing.

Monday 21 September 2015

Planning+Pitching is important

Planning a product in media is important because you will need to know what you are doing before you do it, if you don't plan it you will end up making mistakes. If your making a movie you will have to plan so you can get people doing tasks for the movie. Like people doing the script, finding actors and telling the actors how they want the movie.
The directors need to plan so they know what the project would look like when finished, if they don't plan it would be a failure. They would also have to plan how much money is needed to make the film, if they don't work out how much they need and run out of money the movie will be stopped.

Pitching is getting everyone's ideas  so everyone can agree which ideas they like best, like for doing a certain part in a movie people have to agree on the camera angles, what type of lighting, the background, location, what microphone for audio quality and how you edit the video. You also have to agree on that audience its for and how much for people to buy it.